About Me

Hello! I'm a software engineer with full stack web development experience based in northern California. I have built multiple full stack projects, both solo and as a team member. The artistic side of me has always been interested in UI/UX and graphic design, so frontend development is especially enjoyable, but I like working across the stack - the backend definitely has its merits! Most importantly, I love to improve; wherever I am in my programming journey, there's always something to learn, and always a desire to create things I can be proud of.

I'm also a music composer and performer! My primary instrument is guitar, but I also can play keys and love exploring experimental sound design with synthesizers and effects pedals. One of my biggest passions is composing orchestral scores for visual media such as film, television, and video games, and it's my goal to one day write and publish a full soundtrack.

I completed an Associate of Arts Degree in Music at Butte College with no prior experience reading or writing music, and have since composed full orchestral scores for live performance, as well as performing as a guitarist for multiple ensembles. Afterwards, I enrolled in and graduated from App Academy's full-time 24-week software engineering bootcamp to pivot and kickstart my career. My learning didn't stop there, though - I'm always hungry for more knowledge and strongly desire to improve my skillset now and far into the future.

My Toolbox

Programming Languages

  • JavaScript + Node.js
  • Python
  • TypeScript
  • HTML5 / CSS3

Backend Frameworks / Libraries

  • Express.js
  • Flask
  • Sequelize
  • SQLAlchemy + Alembic

Frontend Frameworks / Libraries

  • React
  • Redux
  • Astro
  • Tailwind CSS

Other Frameworks / Libraries / Tools

  • Git + GitHub
  • PostgreSQL
  • AWS S3
  • Docker

Programming Concepts / Paradigms

  • Object Oriented Programming
  • Functional Programming
  • DRY / SRP Principles

Workflow Techniques / Methodologies

  • Pair Programming
  • Scrum / Agile Methodology
  • Test Driven Development
My Projects


My solo Reverb.com clone, an e-commerce site focused on buying and selling new and used music equipment.

The site uses a Flask backend, with SQLAlchemy, Alembic, and a PostgreSQL database, as well as AWS S3 integration for images. The frontend is built with React and Redux, and components are styled using Tailwind CSS.


Our group Splitwise clone, a web application for dividing up and managing shared expenses between friends or groups.

The site uses a Flask backend with SQLAlchemy, Alembic, and a PostgreSQL database. The frontend is built with React and Redux.